Merger of Values and Experience

SMARTCOMPO emerged from the union of a group of companies in the industrial sector with large technical and commercial capabilities.

This merger of values and experience enables us to be able to respond to the problems caused by the generation of subproducts using innovative solutions and technologies, transforming subproducts into a product with high added value.

The solutions offered by SMARTCOMPO comply with the guidelines set by the European Union for the environmental management of organic subproducts.

We are the exclusive distributors for Southern Europe of CHUBU ECOTEC composting equipment.

Chubu Ecotec is a Japanese company with 40 years of experience in the design of organic subproduct composting equipment for large-scale applications.

Their equipment offers completely innovative technical solutions for the European market in terms of its conception and operation, and the quality of the product generated is significantly higher than the standards in the sector.

Chubu Ecotec is the leading company in the organic subproduct treatment sector in Japan, with over 3000 operational facilities in their country, as well as in China, Thailand and Korea. Additionally, Chubu Ecotec has two facilities in Europe.

Equipos de compostaje Serie S

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